Raid of Mosquito -prologue-
- 类型:动作跑酷
- 评分:
- 版本: v1.2
- 语言:简体中文
- 大小: 4 MB
- 更新:2015-09-01
Burn mosquito by overwhelming firepower!Please experience the exhilaration and showy action by a simple operation.* I'm sorry, There is no any relationship with a famous card game.* I'm sorry, It is not even in a card game.* It is questionable whether this is a game...* If you are an adult, it will probably get bored in a few minutes.* If you still continue to play... you might see a new world.* We have already investigated that the children really enjoyed.* Even if there is no damage to the player being attacked by mosquitoes. Only hate.* There is no goal. It is fun to burn in the innocent, but also to develop a play style.* This game is prologue. Please look forward to the next chapter as well! (For details, please refer to the appended)Tap:You can kill mosquitoes with fireballs. When you press and hold the power builds up. When you attack a bomb by fireball, large explosion will occurs.Slide:You can kill the mosquito in the beam of an explosion.Menu button:I want the presence of the sound effects and BGM.Back button:You can quit the game. And you can tweet your results. Tell everyone that you are a leisure.BGM : 「■cyaerMix-----音楽素材mp3■」 effect : 「音楽素材/魔王魂」 are working on the validation of the technology and learning in order to develop a game that incorporates advanced technology. This game is the first step.We will also develop a sequel that enhance the game in the future. Please expect.We are waiting for your comments and requests.
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