Scratch ticket|Eco lottery app
- 类型:体育竞速
- 评分:
- 版本: v1.11
- 语言:简体中文
- 大小: 145KB
- 更新:2015-09-01
It is a lottery scratch ticket app can enjoy easily.Such as the number of hit and kind of lottery, if you set the contents in advance, can be used as a scratch lottery smartphone.It is a characteristic of up to enjoy as a scratch lottery game alone, of course, be usable as a practical application.With this app, because you do not have to or writing the number in the paper all the way at the time, such as your lottery and decide seat, time and effort also will save.Lottery results are displayed as a scratch ticket, I can taste also excitement, such as scratch de coupon.Because I can enjoy a scratch ticket without having to create a scratch card, it is app very eco-friendly to the environment.Can be set from three types of lottery.① lottery numbersUse such as 50 Nos. 1, when I want to decide by lot number.It is a lot versatile that can be used, such as deciding the order and decide seat, on various occasions.Simply enter the beginning and ending numbers, scratch lottery number of sheets so you are prepared, you just get cut by one afterward.② lottery only win or loseIt is a lot of out and just hit.Simply set the number of the total number per, per will appear in random.Joy when the character of per came out, scratch ticket is unique.③ lottery prize1, etc., etc., etc. 2, is a lot that can be used in the draw for the prizes and giveaways such as.Number can be set to 8, such as from 1 etc., etc. only one number you have set if you set the total number, such as 2, etc. will come out later.Otherwise it appears "off".Since it is lottery fun smartphone, Annual birthday party, children's association, PTA, shopping street, neighborhood association, the residents' association, determined seat of the party and joint party, seat change in schools, athletic meet, at a discount sale and celebration etc. also the lottery, it is sure to rise than ever.It is free and, since it has to very light app, Please taste the joy of scratch ticket to download freely.(How to)First, I choose the type of lottery.Settings, so come out and pick the type, you can press the "START" button to enter the numeric conditions there, the first piece of scratch ticket is displayed.Scratch lottery, you will see a per character or number, such as out and rub the screen in the manner of an ordinary scratch ticket.You can now use the button "to the next lottery" in the upper right corner and rub to some extent.When you are satisfied, such as numbers or letters came out, new scratch ticket shown below appears "to lottery next" When you press the button, please pass to the next person.Number of lottery remaining is displayed on the upper part, it is shown in yellow and "is lottery last" when it comes to one remaining, "lottery Exit" button will appear, when you are finished scraping scratch "lottery Exit" button Please go back to the first screen of the app by pressing.If you want to terminate in a state in which the number of lottery is still, exit by pressing the Back button on your terminal, but, please be careful of the state lottery because it is reset.Number that can be set depending on the type of lottery is slightly different, but the total number of lottery has become 999.If you can not use a button "to the next lottery", please rub the screen a little more.To prevent it from have gone to the next lottery without see a result of lottery, it is now not use the button if you do not cut to some extent.
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