足球模拟器 - Soccer Simulator
- 类型:体育竞速
- 评分:
- 版本: v2.4.1
- 语言:简体中文
- 大小: 17 MB
- 更新:2015-08-17
在足球模拟器,你可以打一场比赛,系列penaltys ,挑战和即将推出题库小游戏和更多的足球变种。 - 挑战模式:在挑战模式,你将在一个足球比赛的不同情况起,将有得分进球最多芽。要做到这一点完美,所以,赢得三颗星,你要碰,球或与您的播放器被放置在现场,但也获得了第三颗星,你必须在拍摄张数标记目的的挑战表示您。但是注意,因为它可能是挑战,对你说拍一个必须是合格或一个完美的控制。 - 匹配模式:在比赛模式中,你可以玩VS最好的国家足球队的颜色的朋友。比赛有penaltys ,扔插件,角落,黄,红牌......你有两个芽轮流的,如果在你的第二个拍你做一个合格或控制完美的你将有另一个额外的拍摄!你可以选择播放的粗砂FILD ,在一个完美的绿色领域还是在冰滑动场。 - 惩罚方式:您可以播放一系列penaltys在一个完美的小游戏玩VS朋友。在处罚方式的拳头之一,演奏会的门将,谁只能在球门线就能滑难出手的点球射手。为什么足球模拟器是最好的盖帽足球模拟器?控制,并通过完善的赚取差价。在其他游戏中,你只需拍摄荒谬球,足球模拟器,你必须总是认为在玩你的玩伴,还是在控制球德VS在防守动作的竞争对手能够清除球。为了使控制或通过完善你总是首先触球,在所有其他情况下,反过来会传递给你的对手。黄牌做出差异也很大,你不能简单地打对其他球员,你必须有一些照顾,如果有对手附近,更多,如果他们是附近的区域,或者如果可能,你会罢工的玩家黄牌。我们希望您能喜欢我们的游戏,我们正在开发只是我们现在问你新的改进,表明你会改进意见。我们目前的工作是做游戏的游戏,更多的球队,一个新的培训模式,在大多数配置的......当然,很多伟大而有趣的新的挑战!English:In Soccer Simulator you can play a match, series of penaltys, challenges and coming soon trainning minigames and more soccer variants.- Challenge Mode:In challenge mode you will play in different situations of a football match and will have to score goal in a maximum of shoots. To do it perfect, so, to win three stars, you have to touch, with the ball or with your players that are placed in the field but also, to obtain the third star, you have to mark goal in the number of shots that the challenge indicates you. But attention, because it's possible that challenge says to you that one of the shoot has to be a pass or a perfect control.- Match Mode:In match mode you can play vs a friend with the colors of the best national soccer teams. Match has penaltys, throw ins, corners, yellow and red card, ... You have two shoots by turn, and if in your second shoot you do a pass or control perfect you will have another extra shoot! You can choose play in a rough sand fild, in a perfect and green field or in a field of ice that slides.- Penalty Mode:You can play series of penaltys in a perfect minigame to play vs a friend. In Penalty mode fist one in playing will be the goalkeeper, who only on the line of goal will be able to slip to difficult the shot to the penalty shooter.Why Soccer Simulator is the best cap soccer simulator?Control and pass perfect make the difference. In other games you simply shoot absurdly the ball, in Soccer Simulator you have to think in always in play with your playmates, or in control de ball vs a rival in a defensive move to be able to clear the ball. To make a control or pass perfect you have always to touch the ball first of all, in all other case turn will pass to your rival.Yellow cards make a great difference also, you can't simply hit against other players, you have to have something of care if there are rivals nearby and more if they are near the area or if maybe the player that you are going to strike has yellow card.We hope you enjoy our game, We are developing just now new improvements for what we ask you that indicate in the comments that you would improve. Our current work is to do the game most configurable during the game, more teams, a new training mode... and certainly, a lot of great and funny new challenges!keywords: soccer cap football simulator botao chapas futbol futebol
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