- 类型:飞行射击
- 评分:
- 版本: v1.03
- 语言:简体中文
- 大小: 11 MB
- 更新:2015-08-07

Alpha Squadron 2 has already racked up the accolades on IOS now its here for Android devices! Mac Life says: "Stellar visuals" - "A robust campaign and some extra modes thatll keep you on the edge of your pilots seat" - "Fans of space shooters -- especially the Rogue Squadron series -- will easily fall in love" In Edge Of Oblivion: Alpha Squadron 2, you get the chance to jump into the cockpit of a powerful starfighter and join the galaxys most daring pilots as they face off against the evil Hadian Empire. Youll engage in perilous battles against hordes of enemy fighters, lumbering mechs, gigantic tanks and huge capital ships. Aerial conflict takes place in a variety of beautifully rendered environments including snow, deserts, highlands, oceans, volcanic lava fields, alien cities, amazing deep space locations and even the interior of a massive space station. Watch out for dangerous combat hazards such as space mines and asteroids as you fight your way to victory in each of the eight starfighters, bombers and assault craft at your disposal. Edge Of Oblivion features stunning visuals and sound, be prepared to immerse yourself in an intense action-arcade experience! Astonishing 3D details include fully rendered cockpit interiors, real time lighting and special effects (explosions, smoke, engine glow, tracer fire and more). Features fast and furious space, air-to-air and air-to-ground combat that immerses you completely in the game! Each starfighter comes with many different configurations, allowing you to choose the best match for your combat style! Features retro inspired space and atmospheric battles in the tradition of the STAR WARS™: ROGUE SQUADRON 3D series of games and includes two tours of duty and over 80 missions including an insane survival mode! With an epic storyline that will keep you glued to your seat and a medal/rank system that will make you want to play again and again to score a gold, you will not want to put this one down! Includes bluetooth gamepad support! ** TRIAL MODE **The game is offered for free in trial mode. This allows you to experience the first story mission and play the tutorials for free before purchasing the full version. There is no time limit, ads or other such limitations for the trial version. NON-LINEAR OPEN WORLD FLIGHT COMBAT• Not ON-RAILS, fly wherever you wish and take on secondary mission objectives • Intelligent enemies that learn from your combat style and team up with each other to try and defeat you• Many different enemy types, including fighters, bombers, interceptors, giant mechs and tanks AMAZING BATTLE ENVIRONMENTS WITH REALISTIC WEATHER FX• Beautifully rendered space and planetary locations including sprawling deserts, alien cities and volcanic lava fields• Experience different times of night or day and weather effects such as volumetric clouds, rain and snow• Several different camera modes that let you view the 3D action however you wish CUSTOM STARFIGHTER CONFIGURATIONS• Several different types of fighters, bombers and interceptors to choose from• Variants of each ship that favor more armor, better weapons, better speed and balance• Lets you choose the right ship for the job, if you want to fly the enemys fighters, you can do that too! BATTLE GIANT ENEMY BOSSES IN AN EPIC STORY• Take on gigantic bosses, massive battle cruisers, enormous tanks and destroy a galactic superweapon• A story packed with twists, betrayal, mystery and revenge• Fully voiced characters throughout the game DIFFERENT WAYS TO CONTROL THE ACTION AND YOUR INTELLIGENT WINGMEN• Control schemes to fit any taste, including on-screen touchpads, tilt control & even bluetooth gamepads• Give commands to your wingmen during battle and watch them exterminate your enemies• Several different gameplay modes including two story campaigns, dogfight missions and survival mode! IF YOU LOVE THIS GAME AND WANT TO SEE MORE PLEASE RATE US!!! Alpha中队2已经折磨了IOS上的赞誉,现在它在这里为Android设备! Mac的生活说:“恒星的视觉效果” - “一个强大的运动和一些额外的模式,将让你在你的飞行员的座位边” - “太空射击游戏的爱好者们 - 尤其是侠盗中队系列 - 会轻易爱上“ 在边缘湮灭:Alpha中队2,你有机会跳进了强大的星际战斗机的驾驶舱,并加入了银河系的最大胆的飞行员,因为他们面对反对邪恶帝国Hadian。你会搞对抗敌方战机成群,笨拙的机甲,坦克巨大的和巨大的主力舰危险的战斗。空中冲突发生在各种呈现精美的环境,包括雪地,沙漠,高原,海洋,火山熔岩领域,外国人的城市,惊人的深空位置和一个巨大的空间站,甚至内部。当心危险的战斗危害,如太空雷和小行星,你打你的方式赢得胜利在每个八星际战斗机,轰炸机和攻击艇在您的处置。边缘遗忘拥有迷人的视觉效果和声音,准备让自己沉浸在激烈的动作街机体验! 惊人的3D细节,包括完全呈现驾驶舱的内饰,实时照明和特殊效果(爆炸,烟雾,发动机的光芒,示踪剂消防等)。特点快速和激烈的空间,空气对空气和空中到地面战斗是完全沉浸在游戏中!每个战机配备了许多不同的配置,让您选择适合您的战斗作风的最佳搭配!复古的特点在启发星球大战™的传统空间和大气的战斗:侠盗中队3D系列游戏,包括了二个任期和超过80任务,包括一个疯狂的生存模式! 随着故事情节的史诗,将让你粘到你的座位和奖章/军衔制,这将使你要玩一次又一次将比分黄金,你会不会想要把这个一跌!包括蓝牙游戏手柄的支持! **试用模式**这场比赛是在试用模式下免费提供。这使您可以购买完整版本之前体验的第一个故事的使命和发挥教程免费。没有时间限制,广告或其他此类限制的试用版。 非线性开放的世界飞行战斗•不亮护栏,飞到你想去的地方,并采取辅助任务目标•从你的战斗风格,学习和组队互相智能的敌人,试图打败你•许多不同的敌人类型,包括战斗机,轰炸机,拦截器,巨型机甲和坦克 与拟真的天气FX惊人的战场环境•呈现精美的空间和行星的位置,包括广阔的沙漠,外星人城市和火山熔岩领域•昼夜和天气影响的经验不同的时间,如容积云,雨和雪•让几个不同的拍照模式但是你观看3D动作,你希望 CUSTOM战斗机配置•几种不同类型的战斗机,轰炸机和拦截器可供选择•每艘船有利于更多的护甲,更好的武器,更好的速度和平衡的变体•允许您选择合适的船才行,如果要飞敌人的战士,你可以做到这一点! 在一个史诗般的故事BATTLE GIANT ENEMY BOSSES•采取在巨大的老板,大规模的战列巡洋舰,巨大的坦克和摧毁银河系超级武器•挤满了曲折,背叛,神秘和复仇的故事•完全整个游戏人物配音 不同的方法来控制的动作和您的智能僚机•控制方案,以适应任何口味,如屏幕上的触控板,倾斜控制和蓝牙,甚至游戏手柄•在战斗中下达命令你的僚机,看他们消灭你的敌人•几种不同的游戏模式,包括两个故事的活动,格斗任务和生存模式! 如果你爱这个游戏,并希望看到更多请评价美国!
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