Xac USA:Pop Culture Trivia
- 类型:休闲益智
- 评分:
- 版本: v1.3.0
- 语言:简体中文
- 大小: 17 MB
- 更新:2015-08-06
Always up-to-date fun trivia quiz about pop-culture and the USA! Including movies, TV, music, current events and practice for the US Civics test!Features:* Play solo, or challenge other players in a head-to-head battle of wits!* Play to win topic stamps and achievements! Unlock more questions the higher you score!* Choose from among an ever-expanding list of trivia quiz topics including: - Current Events - Music - Pets - Sports - Celebrities - TV - Movies - US Civics - Literature - Food & Drink - Road Trip (the 50 States)* LIMITED TIME SPECIAL EVENT TOPICS** These topics are time limited and update along with the event!- Award Shows – eg Oscars, Grammys etc- Sports Events – eg World Soccer, Superbowl etc- Holidays – eg Independence Day, Christmas etc- & More!* FREE to download and play, with optional microtransactions*** Voluntary age rating: Suitable for 13+ years oldPlaying the game is fast and easy – you choose a topic and answer 5 questions at a time. Your goal is to get the highest score you can, earn virtual achievements and higher game level. As you progress, you unlock more and more topics, and the game begins to shape itself to what you like. Power-ups are available to provide in-game hints, including the ability to see how every other player has answered a question. Every question has a "Trivia Tip" of supporting knowledge - which will either remind you of something cool that you knew, or maybe you'll learn something you didn't already know - and so you get smarter still!Because the game changes daily, you’ll see special topics appear for a limited time – for example an awards show, a major sporting event, seasonal holidays and much, much more. You can even practice the questions for the US Civics test, which new citizens have to be able to answer to demonstrate an understanding of the USA and it’s culture. It’s fun! See if you’re smarter than an alien!It's free to play - no catches, but you can choose to pay a little if you want to make progress more quickly**. Whether you only have a few minutes each day or want to spend the evening with us, we look forward to welcoming you to our trivia quiz community!By downloading and playing the game you are agreeing to our terms and conditions of service, which you can find in the game as well as here: http://www.xacfaq.com/usa2014-legal
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