Zombie Defense - CraZ Outbreak
- 类型:动作跑酷
- 评分:
- 版本: v1.1.4
- 语言:简体中文
- 大小: 36 MB
- 更新:2015-08-06
An original action, shooter, zombie, survival, defense - all bundled up together in one zombastic package!CraZ Outbreak is where you make your way through the city, surviving each night behind barricades. You fight through varied environments, against unique zombies using your ever improving skills to help you survive the levels.STORY: Your city was overwhelmed by a zombie outbreak. The only survivors were the ones who fled from the city very early on. The virus was very aggressive. It spread really fast, and evolved equally fast. Human beings turned into mindless, aggressive monsters. The city was walled off, with plans to nuke the virus out. Something makes you return. A lone human among the undead, you search for something. You fight your way through the ruins. You barricade yourself at nights, fend off the hordes with your only weapon - your trusty pistol. You learn new skills, polish old ones and gain expertise in some. The zombies you encounter get faster, stronger and bigger each night. You know you can't afford to rest. You can not afford to lose. You can not afford to die.FEATURES:+ NO ads+ NO in-app purchases+ Absolutely FREE+ Great cartoony graphics+ Fast action gameplay+ 8 unique skills to level up + 28 levels to fight through+ Achievements (both offline & google play)+ Leaderboards for the fastest time to find the cure+ Good catchy music and sounds (ability to mute the game)+ Runs smooth even on older devices and older versions of AndroidPERMISSIONS+ android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - Used by Google Play Services to track Achievements+ android.permission.INTERNET - Used by Google Play Services to track AchievementsA SINCERE REQUEST:This game is free to download & play, devoid of ads, and absolutely no in-app purchases. All I request is for you to kindly provide a rating and feedback to help me improve upon this. I am an Indie developer and rely heavily on good ratings to promote my games. All your comments and suggestions will be really appreciated.I am constantly working on updating this game to provide more and better features based on feedback from users, so please post a comment for me to know.And if you are posting a 1 or 2 star rating, could you please at least tell me why? I feel cheated not even knowing what to improve upon :( Thank you.
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