恶猪塔防 圣诞版
- 类型:经营策略
- 评分:
- 版本: v1.0.1
- 语言:英文
- 大小: 13.02M
- 更新:2013-05-18
Greedy pigs jeopardizing this year’s Christmas. Do you dare to help the dwarves? Ho-ho-ho… Winter is coming to the magical forest and our dear dwarves agreed to help Santa to take care of his Xmas presents while Santa is preparing everything for the big day.Greedy Pigs happily presents to you its brand-new Xmas Edition. The previous Greedy Pigs games being such a huge success, this new holiday edition of your favorite game just came out.Everybody’s favorite time of the year, Christmas, has come to the magical forest the dwarves, warmed up with their hot winter booze are responsible to take care of the gifts until Christmas day. But of course, how else could it be, the Greedy Pigs can’t wait to get their paws on the Christmas presents. This time even Yetis joined the group of attackers.So your help is needed to support the dwarves in protecting Santa’s pile of presents to save this year’s Christmas. You have already mastered to defeat the scary monsters during Halloween season so this is gonna be a new challenge for you. Good luck & Merry Xmas!! FEATURES:1. Choose from 3 different kind of professions each with its own unique abilities, merit and attack style : - Dwarf Warrior- Dwarf Hunter- Dwarf Magician2. Now your Dwarf can be upgraded, twice! And witness their transformation into more powerful, handsome looking Dwarves!Upgrade into:- Master Dwarf- Hero Dwarf3. Two modes! Story Mode (basic and advanced mode) and Survival Mode 4. Dozens of completely new Christmas themed maps, each with different gameplays.5. Varieties of scary monsters that shouldn’t scare you away from protecting the candy!6. RPG style abilities, skills and level up mixed with RTS brain twist to keep your grey cells pumping!7. A Global High Score System – online all over the world. Compare your highest score internationally and see who sits on the throne…for now ;)
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