Rusted Warfare - Demo
- 类型:经营策略
- 评分:
- 版本: v0.98
- 语言:英文
- 大小: 7 MB
- 更新:2015-11-01
Build bases, extract resources and create your army in this real RTS. Rusted Warfare is an Android RTS inspired by classic games such as Total Annihilation and Command and Conquer. Features: -Complete real time strategy with full AI-Land, air, and sea units-Unit pathfinding and formations-Fast Interface: issue commands through the minimap, multi-touch support, unit groups, rally points-Strategic zoom feature: Zoom out to view and issue commands across the whole battlefield-Support for saving and loading games-Full screen tablet support-Install To SD supported *Note this game is still in alpha and is still being developed. Get the full version to support the game* twitter: http://twitter.com/corrodinggamesforums: http://corrodinggames.com/forums Email me/twitter/post if you have any problems, or feature requests.
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