- 类型:体育竞速
- 评分:
- 版本: v2.38
- 语言:简体中文
- 大小: 19 MB
- 更新:2015-10-24
Experience the history and career of a football player from the pitch to large international cups and the world .Impresses the agents, and coaches scaling the heights of success : playing in the best clubs , villas and bought supercars like a real football player !Train and improve your skills to become the top scorer in the league ! But careful not to be too selfish , you'll ruin your relationship with your companions.Graphics Console, additive gameplay , impressive longevity , Soccer Hero is the game of football that was missing! Frequent updates .This app allows you to make in-app purchases.INTUITIVE TOUCH CONTROLSControl the ball with great precision aiming and hitting the ball with your fingers. No one swipe inaccurate ! Finally, you can check out the cast and shooting accurately , more if you're good enough .
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