- 类型:飞行射击
- 评分:
- 版本: v1.3.9
- 语言:简体中文
- 大小: 20 MB
- 更新:2015-10-21
INTENSE ONLINE BATTLES! EPIC SINGLE PLAYER CAMPAIGN! AWESOME MAPS! KILLER WEAPONS!REGULAR UPDATES!Pixel-style first person shooting at it's finest!!*** AWESOME CAMPAIGN *** As the top soldier of the elite Destiny Squad, it is your duty to protect the galaxy. Explore strange worlds in a variety of missions! Accomplish the objective or test your steel in Endless Mode! Protect yourself with your wits, quick reflexes and any weapon you can find! The fate of the galaxy rests on your shoulders! Collect blocks and use them to craft upgrades and forge new weapons! These upgrades will give you a leg up on your enemy! Equip the alien laser gun tech or go all out with a triple grenade launcher! You'll need these awesome weapons to take down the Mech Warriors and Tanks that you'll go head to head with in Campaign Mode!*** WORLDWIDE MULTIPLAYER *** Choose your skin! Upgrade your weapons! Defeat old and new friends in worldwide multiplayer death matches! Use you quick reflexes, explode your foe into blocks, collect the blocks and redeem them for upgrades!! You'll have to keep up with your friends and earn your way to the best gun possible!*** THE COOLEST WEAPONS *** Collect blocks and level up! Upgrade your standard issue automatic weapon or unlock the New Alien Tech! Take a group of foes out with one shot using the coveted Triple Grenade Launcher! Earn new skins and show your style on the Battlefield! *** CHOOSE YOUR LOOK ***Tons of fun skins to dress up your character! New costumes coming out regularly!Regular updates!! More Content and Modes Coming soon!!
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