Coaster Frenzy
- 类型:角色扮演
- 评分:
- 版本: v2.5.2
- 语言:英文
- 大小: 11 MB
- 更新:2015-11-03
Create and ride your own Roller Coaster in minutes! Get ready to Build A Thrill! THE NEW UPDATE FIXES THE CRASHING!! NO MORE CRASHING!! SORRY FOR THE DELAY! Coaster Frenzy brings the best roller coaster building AND riding experience right to your Android device! With over 10,000 coasters to ride, Coaster Frenzy is the most interactive roller coaster game on the Google Play Store! This isn’t your grandmother’s roller coaster builder, Coaster Frenzy has revolutionized Coaster creation with the most intuitive roller coaster designer ever seen! Go from a plot of bare land to a Coaster filled with thrills, spills, loops, twists, tunnels, and more within minutes! Not only that, but when you’re finished creating your coaster, get ready to hop in a cart and take the ride of your lifetime right in the palm of your hands. (Coaster Frenzy is not responsible for any vomit found on or around your device/person before, during, or after riding your Coaster). After you’re done building your own Coasters, go on over to our NEW COMMUNITY mode where you can upload and share coasters with other Coaster Frenzy users! Earn coins to purchase all new carts, track pieces, environments and more for your coaster creations in the NEW SHOP! Get Ready to BUILD A THRILL! Features:* FULL and FREE customization of your entire roller coaster and environment!* FREE community with over 10,000 coasters to ride!* Search for any coaster you want through our advanced search feature!* 4 Free coasters created by the developers to jump into right away!* REVOLUTIONARY, Easy, Fast and Fun Coaster Development!* Save your Coasters and show them off!* Ride your Coaster creations!* Realistic Physics that drive your riding experience! * A shop to buy new features for your Coaster Creations!* See what your Facebook friends have been building!* Unobtrusive Ads We’d love for you to help us out with any bugs, feedback, or features you’d like to see. We’re want to make Coaster Frenzy into what YOU want it to be! Email us at: TeamAffine@Gmail.com Website: http://AffineStudios.comTwitter: http://Twitter.com/TeamAffineFacebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Coaster-Frenzy/126741927458511 Coaster Frenzy News:Please spread the word on Coaster Frenzy so we can continue to create more frenzied fun! RELEASE 2.25!NEW IN THIS UPDATE:- Changed Studio name to Team Affine!- Bug fixes and stability changes. Permissions ExplainedWRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Used to save your created Coasters. READ_PHONE_STATE: Added to allow for receiving phone calls while enjoying Coaster Frenzy! INTERNET: Needed for the FREE community mode! BILLING: Needed for the NEW shop and in-app purchases ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: Needed by ads, also helps stop certain crashes from occuring Keywords: roller coaster, coaster, coaster builder, coaster maker, ride, builder, coaster constructer, constructer,3d,physics,coaster simulator, sharing, community, simulation.
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