- 类型:其他游戏
- 评分:
- 版本: v2.2
- 语言:英文
- 大小: 15 MB
- 更新:2015-10-10
-Aiko!就是OSU!的太鼓达人模式,比起ios的太鼓达人,它最大的优点就是有海量的beatmap,并且是和电脑版的通用。玩法和太鼓达人相同,期待 android 太鼓达人的同学现在可以爽了,游戏体验绝对不是那个山寨"太鼓达人"可以比的。以下是uso!的介绍,两者可以完全通用。将歌曲包放入SD卡中T-Aiko\songs文件夹即可。 osu!droid 就是PC端上大名鼎鼎的 OSU 音乐游戏,这款游戏和一般的音乐节奏类游戏的玩法并不一样,你通过用手指跟着节奏按压圈圈,拖拉,转圈圈,非常的好玩。 第一次运行游戏的时候,点击 PLAY 后,游戏会显示找不到歌曲,这个时候,它会在SD卡目录中创建一个名为"osu!droid"的文件夹,在这里面还有两个文件夹:分别为"skin"和"songs"。歌曲文件就放在 songs 文件夹了。游戏提供在线歌曲下载,你可以直接使用手机下载音乐文件。另外也可以在网络上搜索关键词osu,下载对应歌曲文件包,如果碰到格式为.osz的歌曲包,可将直接以解压软件(例如:WinRAR、7zip......)开启.osz档,并解压到SD卡\osu!droid\songs\" 歌曲名称"。你也可以到官方网站上去下载:http://osu.ppy.sh/p/beatmaplist Drum to the beat of your favourite songs and become a part of T-Aiko! T-Aiko! is a Rhythm game inspired by Taiko no Tatsujin (Taiko Drum Master) and based on the gameplay and huge songs library of osu! >>>THIS GAME WILL NOT WORK ON MOST MOTOROLA DEVICES!<<< There seems to be a bug in motorola Android firmware that causes the game to crash when pressing play without even letting you send an error report, the only recommendation is to install a Stock Google ROM. Drum to the beat of your favourite songs, challenge yourself and become a part of the development that is T-Aiko! Register in-game to have your high scores saved for the maps you play and see your overall global rank to compete with others. osu!droid and T-Aiko! support a cross-game account system! Registering an account also gives you access to osu!droid with that same login and allows you to use the osu!droid forums too.
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