- 类型:系统安全
- 评分:
- 版本: v0.1.6
- 语言:英文
- 大小: 4 MB
- 更新:2015-08-21
免费且无广告的开源模拟器。 大部分游戏流畅运行(可容忍速度)。高端手机(Nexus-S, Nexus-One, Droid, Samsung Galaxy等)支持更佳! 支持即时保存游戏(支持游戏自我存储SRAM, EEPROM等) 可设置调试的屏幕键盘。 按键可映射可至键盘上(仅限有全键盘的机器,例如菜单键 返回键等) 支持重力感应操作。 设置人性化,可以按需调整。 This is the FREE N64 Emulator with NO ADS. I publish this app so all users can use the free software. Its the gist of OPEN SOURCE software. Source code: https://github.com/emudeveloper/N64-Player--Mupen64plus- (licensed by GPL). Note: 1. I will get into the code and improve it till the emulator can run smoothly with 60 fps. Any issues, feel free to contact me by email. 2. There are no roms in the emulator. If you want to play the games, you need to have your own roms. Dont ask me for roms any more. Offering game roms to others is illegal. *LEGAL*: This product is not affiliated with, nor authorized, endorsed or licensed in any way by Nintendo Corporation, its affiliates or subsidiaries. All trademarks are property of their respective holders. All individual games screen shots or audio that are simulated by N64 Emulator are property of their respective copyright holders and are only used for the purpose of informing the customer of the softwares functionality.
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