- 类型:其他软件
- 评分:
- 版本: v1.663
- 语言:简体中文
- 大小: 31 MB
- 更新:2015-08-31

Droidsound-E is a music player that can play a wide selection of computer and console formats. It is a continuation to original Droidsound that was released in January 2013. We (the original author and I) agreed to change the name to avoid confusion. E stands for Enhanced and version number will continue from the original version. Below is a list of changes in this version. NOTE: IF YOU WISH TO TRY OUT THE LATEST BETA VERSION, VISIT THE DEVELOPER LINK. NOTE: In case of a bug/continuous crash, DO NOT hesitate to report it by sending me an e-mail or create a new issue at Droidsound-E github project page, this is because the developer console has limited information. Links can be found below. NOTE: If you get a crash after upgrading, go to Application Manager -> Droidsound-E (AppInfo) and hit buttons "Clear cache" and "Clear data". This is because old versions might have left bad values to the shared preferences. v1.652 brings the following changes: * Local Mediastore and other bug fixes including new formats. For more information see /sdcard/droidsound/changelog.txt v1.64 brings the following changes: * notification compatibility fix for Android 4.0x OS v1.63 brings the following changes: * x86 compatibility * Updated c64 songlengths to version 61 * New formats: TAK, xWMA, WMA, WMAPRO * Proper handling of downloaded content * Added notifications for certain events * Added playback controls in notification * Context menu fixes * Updated help * Fixed MP3 playing * Fixed CSDb, now it loads songs from the official website * Sorting preference save * Fixed Atrac3 5.1 channel playback * Fixed VGM/VGZ file handling * Other minor bug fixesNote about the .minixsf formats: They usually need one or more additional library files (.lib). In some rare cases these library filenames have been changed thus causing the song fail to load. In order to fix this, you would need to download the whole song and change the library filename by hand. The correct library filename is always inside the .minixsf file. In most cases the case-sensitiveness is the only problem.The above problem has been somehow solved in Droidsound-E. It can figure out the library name now automatically even if it is slighty renamed.For earlier update infos, read the changelog.txt found in /sdcard/droidsound/ folder.Droidsound-E minimum requirements:* Android 4.0 OS or above (armeabi-v7a, x86)* 512MB memory* 1Ghz CPU NOTE: Some plugins are quite CPU-demanding and need modern phone/tablet to run smoothly.Also check out the help in settings for more infos about the new features.
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