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- 大小: 7 MB
- 更新:2015-08-31
Welcome to the europes4u travel AppGOING SOMEWHERE, not all holiday's are about A week or two in the sun. From weekend breaks to overnight stay's or weather you want sun, snow, adventure, peace and quiet or A local Bed and Breakfast just down the road, europes4u is the one stop shop for all your travel needs. From flights and accommodation to Car hire and airport parking. Find and plan your next trip fast, searches all travel companies at once to present you with the best deals on the internet today. Try it for yourself. We only work with the best travel companies to give you the best prices 100% guaranteed!Features:1. Hotels; Europes4u finds the best hotel deals from all major travel websites with one quick and easy search. No fees, no mark-up - 100% free!Amazing discounts - up to 80% off Compare prices on 100's of hotel booking sites at once. 2. Flights; A Flight booking engine that searches and compares all flight companies at once to find the cheapest deals on the internet today.3. Things to do; We offer thousands of adventure activities, City tours, off the beaten track experiences, educational tours, family friendly activities, theatre and show tickets, city passes, day trips,,, you name it we probably have it, all hand selected by our team.4. Venues; europes4u/ads is an advertising directory where you can submit your own venue or your favourite venue that you visit. You can also rate and review the listings on our website app.5. Airport Parking; Search all airport parking websites at once to find and book the cheapest airport parking on the internet.6. Q'answer; qanswer the travel helper, where you can ask questions and get answers within our community. You can both ask and answer questions or search for answers to your travel questions. Earn points and get ranked for asking and answering questions.7. Photo Both; use our photo both to take and upload your favourite venues, the best ones get published to our gallery.8. Chat; You can login or sign up with a new account to join in and chat to other members of the app.And lastly you can contact us or like us on Facebook and Twitter, also you can share the great features with your friends vis SMS , Email and social networks. Also NEW to our website ask travel Question's and get Answer;s just click on the Q'answer button.Check out our Question and answer Travel Helper, Where you can ask travel questions and get answers.Q'answer the Travel helper, where you can ask questions and receive answers from other members of the community, or you can answer your own. Join us and help each other with all your travel questions and answers. Earn points and get ranked for asking and answering questions.We at europes4u pride ourselves on putting our customers first. List your venue today from offers Free and paid listings for all kinds of Venues. You can submit a listing to our website by clicking on the button's on the left, Or feel free to surf our evergrowing listings where you can find, view, rate and review our existing listings. The website is set up in two parts VIP Venues and ads/listings. We offer thousands(no exaggeration) of adventure activities, City tours, off the beaten track experiences, educational tours, family friendly activities, theater and show tickets, city passes, day trips,,, you name it we probably have it, all hand selected by our team, all made available to you our customers via our website.Search all airport parking websites at once to find and book the cheapest airport parking on the internet.
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