- 类型:新闻阅读
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- 版本: v1.1
- 语言:简体中文
- 大小: 529KB
- 更新:2015-08-31

VetCalc, short for “VETeran Combined Disability CALCulator,” is the solution to all of your questions relating to 1) “How” the Department of Veterans Affairs calculates disability percentages pursuant to the Combined Ratings Table (See 38 CFR 4.25 and 4.26) and 2) “How” the Department of Veterans Affairs calculates your monthly disability benefit payment using the Veterans Affairs Compensation Benefits Rate Table. Often times the process the Department of Veterans Affairs uses to combine these disability percentages and calculate monthly benefit payments is referred to as “Veterans Affairs Math” or “VA Math.” You can rest assured that VetCalc addresses ALL of your questions relating to calculating disability benefit percentages and payments in seconds. During the several years I worked for the Department of Veterans Affairs as a Rating Specialist, I would quite frequently discover that the Bilateral Factor was not properly entered into disabilities that REQUIRED it, pursuant to 38 CFR 4.26. After correcting this error by properly including the Bilateral Factor, the Veteran’s overall disability percentage would, quite frequently, increase to the next higher level! Please check out the “Examples” page above for hypotheticals exposing the effect of this Bilateral Factor error on the overall monthly payment! You may have noticed that several websites offer free calculators that similarly attempt to provide you with solutions to VA Math problems. Although these calculators bear many different names, for instance: “Veterans Affairs Disability Calculator,” “Veteran Combined Calculator” and “Disability Percentage Calculator” they all seem to have 3 things in common: 1) They are not easy to use 2) They do not include Bilateral Factor calculations and 3) THEY DO NOT PROVIDE THE CORRECT COMBINED DISABILITY PERCENTAGES. Trust my experience; don’t expect the Department of Veterans Affairs to correct the problem for you. Double check the VA Math today by purchasing VetCalc and take the necessary steps to force the Department of Veterans Affairs to correct the error in YOUR claim. Isn’t your peace of mind worth 99¢? After all, VetCalc could literally save you THOUSANDS!!!
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