MFS Forms
- 类型:办公商务
- 评分:
- 版本: v1.62.5
- 语言:简体中文
- 大小: 9 MB
- 更新:2015-08-31
MFS Forms is the easiest way to eliminate paperwork in your business, streamline data collection, and keep track of your mobile workforce at the same time. Automate and monitor in real time all of your field activities by easily converting your paper forms into mobile forms. Eliminate data entry mistakes and rework, saving valuable time and resources. Enable field-based employees to work faster and more efficiently right from their handheld devices.With MFS Forms you get a solution that is fast, easy and reliable, making life easier for your mobile workforce and your business more efficient and responsive.Our solutions enable you to automate, track and manage the processes and forms that collect critical data with our robust set of features:* Convert any paper form into an electronic mobile form.* Generate electronic confirmation that field service employees are visiting every job site that is assigned each day.* Track time from start to job completion for each and every job.* Verify arrival times with customized reporting to show jobs that start on time or late arrivals.* Track productivity to detail the number of jobs completed per day, quality levels and other business performance metrics.*Capture job site information such as equipment serviced, follow up requests, special notations and more.* Capture Signature, Video, Photos, and Barcode Scanning to auto-populate forms.* Alerts that are customized based on your specific business rules and can be sent via text message or email depending.* High level monitoring for managers at headquarters as well as easy to use tools for field service employees with mobile devices such as smart phones, tablets, or laptops that have internet connectivity.What makes MFS Forms stand out above the rest?* Leading edge technology to track and monitor field assets and service requests* Real-time record keeping and information tracking with proof of visit and specific details of the visit* Secure interface for only authorized users* Highly customizable and configurable software that adapts to YOUR business requirements* Visibility for managers to see high level productivity and also drill down to a specific field employee or job site to identify and isolate issues* Instantaneous alerts that are configured based on your business rulesIndustries served by MFS Forms:* Pest Control.* Pool maintenance.* Field sales representatives.* Insurance adjusters.* Equipment maintenance such as refrigeration, HVAC, generators and more.* Inventory restock/planogram installers.* Portable restroom/waste maintenance.* Delivery companies.* Plumbing and Electrical* Construction* Office copier or printer maintenance.* And more!.
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