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Safe Safari

Safe Safari

  • 类型:地图旅游
  • 评分:
  • 版本: v1.0
  • 语言:简体中文
  • 大小: 12 MB
  • 更新:2015-08-31

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    "Have you ever felt unsafe while driving on your own or taking a public transport to new locations?" Well, Safe Safari can help you to overcome the fear by proactively knowing not just a set of routes from one place to another but the safest route of all. Safety score of a route is calculated using closeness of multiple police stations nearby to the route. One can make a choice of selecting a safer yet longer path to reach destination, thereby avoiding any mishaps at the first place.Safe Safari further ensures that when traveling by public transport such as auto rickshaw, or bus, the traveler is safe. All one needs to do is enter the vehicle details, the driver details, and a minimum waiting time one allows the app to wait before any emergency alert and the app will start tracking you. If the driver is not following the route and deviates or the vehicle has halted for more than the minimum waiting time, an alert message would be sent to your emergency contact along with your current location and the reason for alert. Thereafter, periodic messages will be sent updating the emergency contact of your current location. Once you have reached safely, you can rate the route based on your experience. Best rated routes can help other fellow passengers to know which routes are safer and preferred by other women travelers most of the time. Safe Safari is a winner of FICCI Homeland Security'13 Contest on Strengthening Women Safety in India.Safe Safari is currently available in English. We wish you a safe travel.Download it today!



