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Medical Representative

Medical Representative

  • 类型:健康医疗
  • 评分:
  • 版本: v1.1
  • 语言:简体中文
  • 大小: 337KB
  • 更新:2015-09-01

Medical Representative截图1

Medical Representative截图2

Medical Representative截图3

Medical Representative截图4


    This application made not only for Medical Representatives. Any body can use this app for giving picture based demo to any one by using their android device.What the users need to do is just create the folders in sdcard as shown in 5th screen shot.like External SD CardMedicalRepresentativemenuExternal SD CardMedicalRepresentativecompany1External SD CardMedicalRepresentativecompany2External SD CardMedicalRepresentativecompany3And place some pics in the menu folder those pictures will be formed as menu and file name as the menu item name in capital letters as shown in first screen shot.And once the user press the first menu item the images placed in company1 folder will be formed as flip view.Like this you can place 'n' number of pictures in menu folder and as well as in company1,company2,company3...etc folder. The application will automatically pick the images and form the views accordingly.Note:1) Maintain the image sizes as equivalent with device screen size.2) To run the app properly create the folders first before launching the application.3)If you put 2 images in 'menu' folder at least create 2 company folders like 'company1' and 'company2' and place the images (at least one image in each folder).
