Sanghvisons App
- 类型:办公商务
- 评分:
- 版本: v2.0
- 语言:简体中文
- 大小: 4 MB
- 更新:2015-09-01
Sanghavi and Sons introduces this app specially for Polished distributor, Jewellery Manufacturer and Retailer in field of diamonds.Download app now and signup to view complete diamond stock.Key features of app + Inventory - Current Stock - New Arrival - Revised Stock+ View Product details+ Download Product Image+ Download Diamond Certificate+ Product Compare+ Signup+ Add to Cart+ Place Order+ Contact UsABOUT US‘He conquers who endures.’ With a legacy of over three decades, Sanghvi & Sons came into existence in 1981 as diamond merchant and diamond exporter Playing on principals of innovation and perseverance, the company is today’s pioneer in offering top quality products and services to its esteemed clientele. Established by Late Shri Tarachand Sanghvi, Shri Mohan Sanghvi and Shri Lalit Sanghvi, the company has steadily carved a niche for itself in the industry today. Sanghvi & Sons is now managed by (partners) Mr. Dhanesh Sanghvi and Mr. Roshan Sanghvi who envision the company to be one of the finest diamond manufacturing and marketing entities across the world. It is this prudence and understanding of the industry that helps us achieve greater milestones and leading diamond exporter. INNOVATION‘Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity- not a threat.’ At Sanghvi & Sons, we believe that innovation has been our greatest strength. We are constantly questioning the old, and our team is always inspired to innovate. Our guiding principles have helped us progress to great lengths, and we are proud of our production facilities. Surat Facility Highlights:Our plant is located at Surat, at the heart of the diamond hub in India.State of the art machinery is operated by trained experts.Highest standards of quality control.DIAM JEWELLERS‘When only the best will do.’SANGHVI & SONS is especially proud to be able to produce high-end and exceptionally elite collections as a diamond merchant. Diam jewellers is dedicated to connoisseurs and is for the day when only the best will do.MANUFACTURINGWith several years of experience in the diamond industry, we have developed a unique, in-house grading system for diamonds wholesale that matches the international standards recognized by GIA. At Sanghvi & Sons every rough diamond in put thought a step by step process, in order to provide optimum output. At Sanghvi & Sons every rough diamond in put thought a step by step process, in order to provide optimum output. At Sanghvi & Sons, the entire manufacturing process is based on standardised operating processes that ensure every diamond is subjected to the same high-quality treatment, from rough to polish. Rigid process controls and decades of experience in manufacturing have allowed us to adopt the best practices from other relevant industries.
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