Merry Christmas
- 类型:地图旅游
- 评分:
- 版本: v3.0
- 语言:简体中文
- 大小: 4 MB
- 更新:2015-09-01

Have you ever wondered which language Father Christmas speaks? And what it sounds like, when he reads Xmas poetry? Try it out by choosing excerpts from 20 French, English, Italian and German Christmas poems - and have them read to you in different accents, like German, French, English (UK), Italian or even Japanese and Korean. It´s not serious - and quite good fun. A laugh at any Christmas party!With the download of the app you accept the following Terms and Conditions of Use for "Véronique Coutu" in the Google Play app store. § 1 Object These general terms and conditions of use regulate the legal framework for the app "Merry Christmas", called "app". They apply between the user and Wolfgang Reuter, Ruhrstrasse 57, 45219 Essen, called "WR"§ 2 Terms of Contract Offers and representations of the app are subject to change. WR has the right to modify, restrict or exchange the content of the app.§ 3 CopyrightCopyright for all pictures can be viewed by long-clicking (two or more seconds) on the start page of the app.Return to the app by clicking on the copyrights page. The app is protected by law against duplication and abuse. The illegal copying, distribution or publication of its contents or its imitation beyond the granted right of use, is followed by civil, or if necessary, criminal measures. WR reserves all rights to the content. The user is not permitted to modify the app or distribute it.§ 4 Rights and Obligations of the user1) The user bears the full responsibility for ensuring that he or she uses the app only in the contractual manner. The user is liable for his or her agents.2) The user is not authorized to alter or otherwise modify the app. The user may not sublicense, sell, transfer, divide or distribute the app unless expressly authorized in writing by WR.3) At the request of WR, the user will stop using the app immediately. This is especially, but not exclusively, if a third party holds claims, in particular competition or copyright claims, against WR, against the user and/or against other users. The user has to inform other users of the app, that in any of the above cases the use of the app is to be stopped.4) The user will inform WR immediately, if a third party makes claims, in particular competition or copyright claims, against him- or herself or against WR. § 5 Warranty and Liability 1) WR does not guarantee that the app is available at all times and error free. 2) WR is not liable for the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the app. WR does not accept responsibility for the suitability of the app for its users. WR does also not accept responsibility where claims for alleged violations of personality rights are asserted by the use of the app to the customer. § 6 Final Provisions1) WR is entitled at any time, in whole or in part, to adjust the provided services or to amend them. 2) WR reserves the right, at any time, to amend these general terms and conditions without prior notice, or to expand them. The user agrees to the amendment, provided that he or she does not object within a period of 14 days by e -mail. The amendments shall enter into force only if the user has been alerted by e -mail.3) Only the law of the Federal Republic of Germany is applicable. The application of the CISG is excluded.4) Should one of the provisions in these general terms and conditions be invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected. Invalid provisions shall be replaced by such valid provisions which are to achieve the intended economic and legal purpose.5) Jurisdiction is in Essen, Germany. The same Jurisdiction applies if the customer has no domicile or habitual residence in the Federal Republic of Germany at the time when the action is brought on.
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