- 类型:地图旅游
- 评分:
- 版本: v1.2.0
- 语言:简体中文
- 大小: 2 MB
- 更新:2015-09-01
This application program is a simple kitchen timer of the bears face. ** "kuma" means a bear in Japanese. **News:Released paid version "KumaTimer R: Bears face timer". Please check it.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.windbellrrr.app.kumatimer.rHow to use:To set the timer, drag bears nose. To turn on/off the melody performance and the vibration notification when the timer is completed, tap bears ear. To interrupt the running timer, tap bears face. To change maximum time of the timer, tap the left or right button. The timers maximum time changes to 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 6 hour, by tapping.As well as a button, it can change a timer like a triangle button even to tap the right side of the background, the left side.In addition, you can change the maximum time of timer from a menu button.The timer runs on background after the screen is switched with the HOME/BACK button after the timer is set. When time comes, the icon is displayed in the statusbar besides the notification by the melody and the vibes.In addition, from "other setting" of the menu, the detailed setting of the vibes of the sound is possible.A sound to play it after timer completion can appoint the thing for exclusive use of the KumaTimer and the music file of the SD card.By the setting of the vibration, you can appoint the number of times for length, an interval between the vibration.Concept:In my parents family, there is a kitchen timer of the spring type that I have been using since childs time (It is still an active service). This can excellent be used by the one action only of the twist of the dial. KumaTimer wanted to reproduce and made such a timer from of old. KumaTimer doesnt have function of preset timer or multiple timer.However, I was going to have aimed at no "Troublesome timer that had to set time every time" it, and "It is a timer that it was happy, and the operation is happy to set time every time". I would like you to touch by installing KumaTimer by all means if you see the screen shot, and it is interested even a little.* Attention*The timer which you set is lost if you switch off the terminal or reboot the OS. Please be careful.Q&A:Q: I want to install KumaTimer to SD card.A: It is not supported to install KumaTimer to SD card. KumaTimer is running in background after timer setting. If you unmonted SD card when KumaTimer is running in background, KumaTimer process will be killed by system. Therefore, this application limits installation to only internal. Please understand it. Thank you.
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