English Conversations
- 类型:教育学习
- 评分:
- 版本: v1.2
- 语言:简体中文
- 大小: 675KB
- 更新:2015-09-01
ENGLISH CONVERSATION CHANNELS USEFUL FOR YOU ON YOUTUBE1, EF podEnglishhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzWnt2yajZk&list=PL5BA9E84257352B78The video on this channel is divided into multiple playlists with 4 levels, from beginner to upper intermediate. Each video can not exceed 5 minutes in length. Currently there are 31.916 registered users and more than 11,691,408 channel views. The topics of the lessons varied, can be listed as: time, family, shopping, schools, weather, movies, ...2, Engvid.comhttps://www.youtube.com/user/ValenESLThe program now has more than 447 video, divided into 3 levels (Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced), classified into 14 topics such as English conversation, Business English, Practice Speaking, Grammar, Slang …Although this video was uploaded on Youtube but you can learn to live on the website engVid.com nicer interface. In addition, the features after the end of each lesson will have a receptive test level and amount of knowledge you have learned.3, Mister Duncan in Englandhttps://www.youtube.com/user/duncaninchinaThe program was conducted by Mr. Duncan James, an English instructor from the UK. This is one of the English curriculum is the most widespread This channel has over 70 lessons designed for each sub-themes like Hello / Goodbye, Happy / Sad, Health / Exercise ... very witty presented by Mr. Duncan and many other video.4, Learn English with Jenniferhttps://www.youtube.com/user/JenniferESLThis channel currently has more than 95.554 subscribers with 32,101,466 views. Along with Mister Duncan, this is the site to learn English more most sign-ups on Youtube. The program provides various string lessons as basic grammar, pronunciation, slang, English communication ... The lesson clearly presented and easy to grasp.5, The Effortless English Youtube Channel of A.J. Hoge. AJ is known as the #1 English teacher in the world. He is famous for creating powerful English speakers and international leaders, without using boring grammar textbooks.
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