Just Reminder
- 类型:办公商务
- 评分:
- 版本: v2.0.2
- 语言:简体中文
- 大小: 2 MB
- 更新:2015-08-31
****************************Just ReminderSimple All-In-One Reminder app for Android to just remind you everything at a specified time!
- With just few clicks you can easily add different reminders.- Now with Speech-to-Text, no need to type to create an Reminder.- You can set ToDo Reminder, Birthday Reminder, Anniversary Reminder and Bills Reminder.- Reminder can be set with Photo / Contact. On Reminder alert for Birthday / Anniversary Reminder, you can send SMS with just one click.- Reminder can be set with different Reminder repeat Intervals like Every X hours, X days, X weeks, X Months or X Years.- Reminder can be set repeatedly on every Month on Nth Week day.- You can also set advance Alerts for any Reminder.- You can choose different Date & Time Formats.- You can customise Alert sound with different Alert tone for each reminder or TALKING ALARM tone.- Unattended Reminders will make LED blink and get auto-snoozed.- Bills Reminders will remind you till they marked PAID.- With Backup & Restore, you can save all your reminders to SDCard, as mail attachments or upload to Drop Box.PREMIUM version features: - Ad Free. - Security PIN Lock. - Each Reminder can be set with separate Alert Tone. - more in next releases.Feel Free to send your queries and feedback to smsoft.infotech@gmail.com or from App's "Contact Us". We are happy to help you. :)Important Note - Don't prevent Alarms from 'Stamina Mode' settings, battery saver app or a task killer app.
Permission Information:Photos / Media / Files- It allow app to choose Alert Tone.Got a question or suggestion? Just email us, and we will be happy to help.YOU CAN HELP.!! BY* Rate Us on Google Play.* Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/JustRemindAppFeel free to share your suggestions / feedback. It will keep us motivated to work on new features.Thanks :)****************************tags: reminder, reminder app, reminder alarm, Todo, To do, todo reminder, bday, birthday, birthday reminder, anniversary, anniversary reminder, bills, bill reminder, repeat alarm, recurrence alarm, talking alarm
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