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Low Carb Diet

Low Carb Diet

  • 类型:健康医疗
  • 评分:
  • 版本: v1.0
  • 语言:简体中文
  • 大小: 472KB
  • 更新:2015-08-17

Low Carb Diet截图1

Low Carb Diet截图2


    Start your diet with a food diary, record everything you eat, what you were doing at thetime, and how you felt. That tells you about yourself, your temptation, the emotionalstates that encourage you to snack and may help you lose once you see how much youeat. There are quite a few good carb counting software programs on the market todayto choose from, my personal favorite is CarbTrack. A simple pad and paper works justas well, but you must keep detailed records, in order to guarantee your success.Instead of eating the forbidden piece of candy, brush your teeth. If you're about tocheat, allow yourself a treat, but make sure it's a low carb treat. More and more grocersare begriming to carry low carb foods, as the low carb diet's popularity steadily increases.If you happen to live in a small community or rural area, don't fret, there are also tons ofgreat online Low Carb Marts to choose from, our favorite happens to be Netrition.com.When hunger hits, wait 10 minutes before eating and see if it passes. Set attainablegoals. Don't say, "I want to lose 50 pounds." Say, "I want to lose 5 pounds a month."Get enough sleep but not too much. Try to avoid sugar at all costs. Highly sweetenedfoods tend to make you crave more. When baking, use Splenda, a great tasting sugarsubstitute that can be found, along with about any other low carb snack, treat and itemat Synergy.comDrink six to eight glasses of water a day. Water itself helps cut down on waterretention because it acts as a natural diuretic. Taken before meals, it dulls the appetiteby giving you that "full feeling." Diet with a buddy. Support groups are important, andcaring people can help one another succeed. Start your own, even with just one otherperson. A great online resource for support is e-Diets.com.
