Self Survey
- 类型:办公商务
- 评分:
- 版本: v1.2
- 语言:简体中文
- 大小: 2 MB
- 更新:2015-08-10
As per World health organization 2.4 million people die every year in road accident's. Most of them due to negligent driving. There is a possibility that we may come across such a situation in our life. But many times we are not able to respond in a correct manner to these situation. Damage due to accident is covered by Insurance companies. Motor Insurance policy is mandatory in many countries. But many time people are not aware about the information that is to be captured in an event of accident. This lack of awareness further delays the overall claims processing.SELF SURVEY App is an effort to create that awareness among people to respond correctly to such situations. Information gathered helps to strengthen your claim and chances of getting claim paid.Self Survey App helps you to gather information that will help insurance companies to better understand the event of accident. This also helps you to document and support your claim.
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