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当前位置: 首页 > 手机软件 > 地图旅游 > 变脸


  • 类型:地图旅游
  • 评分:
  • 版本: v10.0
  • 语言:简体中文
  • 大小: 9 MB
  • 更新:2015-10-22







    * 修饰工具: 可让脸变瘦或变肥,放大或缩小眼睛。让耳朵变尖或更宽。让下巴更长或更小。让嘴巴向上或向下以表现微笑或愤怒。
    * 绘图工具: 在图片上绘图。可使用任何颜色,有多个笔刷可供选择。
    * 缩放工具: 可使用移动和缩放精细控制更小的区域。
    * 道具: 可将道具粘贴到照片上。应用程序自带有许多道具: 眼镜、多种颜色的眼睛、搞笑的鼻子、嘴巴、胡须、伤疤、痘痘等等。还可使用多个秃头道具,与秃头软件类似,但是有更好的控制和更多选项。
    * 撤销和重做
    * 使用电子邮件、Facebook、Twitter及设备上的其他图片分享选项进行分享。
    * 保存修改的图片到图片库。
    Face changer lets you easily change faces in photos.
    * Smudge tool: make faces thin or fat, enlarge eyes or the nose. Make ears pointy, or extra wide. Make chin longer or smaller. Draw mouth edges up to down to create a smile or frown.
    * Draw tool: Draw on top on the picture. Use any color, and one of the multiple supplied brushes.
    * Zoom tool: pan and zoom for fine grained control on smaller areas.
    * Object tool: Paste an object on top of the photo. The app comes with many objects: glasses, eyes in multiple colors, funny noses, mouths, beards, scars, pimples and more. Use the multiple bald heads to make me bold, similar to bald booth. but with better control and more options.
    * Undo and redo
    * Share with email, Facebook, twitter and any other image sharing option you have on your device.
    * Save the modified photo to your gallery.
    * Translated to Arabic (مغير الوجه), German (Foto-Spaß), Spanish (Cambia Caras), French (Change de tête), Hindi (फेस चेंजर), Italian (Modifica facce), Hebrew (משנה פנים), Japanese (フェイスチェンジャー), Korean (얼굴 바꾸기), Portuguese (Troca Faces), Russian (Поменяй лицо), Turkish (Yüz Değiştirici)
