- 类型:办公商务
- 评分:
- 版本: v1.0
- 语言:简体中文
- 大小: 4 MB
- 更新:2015-08-06

Since the establishment in 2010, XMW has been exploring new markets that require unprecedented products such as Ka-band BUCs, multi-band BUCs, and multi or simul-band LNBs. These products are believed to support new value added services for innovative service providers and users. Thanks to our continued investment in R&D and othe infrastructure, we could introduce many new SATCOM products that attract more customers worldwide in recent years.Based on our technologies in SATCOM & Microwave, we've been expanding our business to Terrestrial and Aerospace industries in a way to make synergy together with on-going SATCOM business. So WSN, Radar, 5G was targeted for Terrestrial as they all require microwave technologies. To expedite and boost business enterance in these new business areas, XMW collaborates with VTT in Filand and ETRI in Korea as long-run R&D partners. Aerospace will be the XMW's ultimate destination as its slogan "Connecting the Earth to Space". To reach the final destination, we'll need to challenge all kinds of obstacles. As we do for the new Terrestial business, we'll also be open to partnering with industry leaders in Aerospace.By combining three business ares, SATCOM, Terrestrial, and Aerospace, XMW hope to position as a global leading company in wireless equipment industry by 2010 and contribute to exploring unknown Universe in the long-run. To realize our goal, we'll be always at forefront to provide new products and services to the customers prioneering new business and building new world with its corporate value of Harmony, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation.----개발자 연락처 :대전광역시 동구 대전로 893 (삼성동,금강빌딩2층)1544-5073bts1@daum.net
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