- 类型:健康医疗
- 评分:
- 版本: v1.0
- 语言:英文
- 大小: 0.51M
- 更新:2013-06-06
本程式由香港中文大学中医学院制作, 介绍如何运用穴位按摩舒缓50种平日常见的如流鼻血, 宿醉, 落枕等症状。 本程式内容包括:(1) 介绍50种平日常见的健康问题, 以及可以舒缓该症状的相关穴位。(2) 附以图片介绍穴位的位置, 其功效及按摩手法。(3) 图片可以手指点击放大, 缩小及移动。(4) 有繁体及简体中文, 英文3个文字版本方便不同人士使用。(5) 经常更新中文大学中医学院举办的活动。 School of Chinese Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong developed this acupressure app which aims to educate the community the knowledge of acupoints and its massage method for relieving the sympotms of mild health problems. The content of the app include:(1) Introduce 50 mild health problems and the related acupoints that can relieve symptoms.(2) Pictures showing the location of acupoints, introduce its indication and massage method.(3) Pictures can be enlarge and move by clicking.(4) With Traditional, Simplified Chinese and English version.(5) Update school activities of School of Chinese Medicine.
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