Anything Texter Text to Action
- 类型:办公商务
- 评分:
- 版本: v1.30
- 语言:简体中文
- 大小: 2 MB
- 更新:2015-10-14
"Text" & Numbers are what all of our actions revolve around when it comes to our smart devices.Problematic Situation: You need to write something really quick on the fly so you spend a few seconds going back to your home screen looking for ANY app that will let you type; when you
e done typing you realize you actually need to email it so you spend a few more seconds copying the content and then open your email app; when you
e FINALLY done, you realize you lost the copied content because you copied something else in the process so you just give up and quit for the day!Introducing to the world...Solution: Anything Texter App! 1. Swipe; 2. Type; 3. Action!Anything Texter app let you quickly type from any screen and then manipulate the "Text" and/or Numbers to use with a variety of actions; Call, SMS Message, Email, Edit, Search, Calculate, Overlay, Share and so much more! Anything Texter potentially removes the need of opening/having more than 37+ apps resulting in an efficient and clean smart device! it even has an automatic updating Typing Log!The best part is that its as SIMPLE as 1, 2, 3!1. Swipe - from the bottom left edge of the screen in any direction.2. Type - "Text" and/or Numbers for a variety of actions!3. Action! - tap any desired action and you
e free to go!Do anything that is possible with Text and/or Numbers.Simple Colorful User Interface with guidelines everywhere by long tapping any button/element and a very detailed Manual within the app!Includes 101+ features and 27+ more in development!UNLIMITED amount of "Text" and/or Numbers, Type "Text" in ANY language, Diary entry mode, Locate GPS position by showing coordinates AND address, Auto updating Typing Log, Search maps, Navigate, Call within the app, Send "Text" SMS message directly within the app, Email, Set "Text" and/or Numbers as notifications in the notification bar, Show content as a temporary overlay, Use "Text" to Speech to say content aloud, Save content as a speaking audio file, Toast content, Search the internet, Share with any app, Calculate numbers, Unit converter, Recordings player, Notes in a Notebookand so much more to list here!In Development features: Address Book, Translate Text between different languages, File Search & open, Speed Improvements, even more actions added plus more features!xda developers thread with users feedback at OR Texter was built on an actual android device AND have been tested on many android devices in order to achieve maximum compatibility for android devices all over the world for people in need for this productive & Educational app!No android emulators were used in the making of Anything Texter.ALL permissions are directly used for the actions that are performed with the "Text" and/or Numbers (Check features list above for further details);NO data or content is being collected or sent from within the app.Other apps on your device CANNOT access any content in the Typing Log.Negative feedback will not resolve your issue; Communication will !Enjoy Anything "Texter" app!Developed by:..............Technology Discovery.............. & Tags: Text, Numbers, Texter, Dialer, Message, SMS, Email, Share, Edit, Swipe.
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