免费无线手机摄像头 (互联网版)
- 类型:主题壁纸
- 评分:
- 版本: v3.3.21
- 语言:简体中文
- 大小: 10 MB
- 更新:2015-11-03
什么是无线监控? 为什么需要监控? 监控需要花很多钱吗? Web of Cam 让你用一支手机就能随时远端查看你所关心的人, 事, 物. 将 Web of Cam 安装在你的Android手机上, 透过无线网路, 即可在另一端用手机随时查看当前的影像. Web of Cam "Internet" 是 Web of Cam 最新推出的版本! 在这个版本里面, 监控端能够透过广域网路, 比如3G/4G 或固网, 连结到相机端. 相机搜寻也变得更容易了! 监控端与相机端依赖同样一组Google帐号做辨识. 只要在相机端与监控端登入同一组Google帐号, 即可立即开始监控体验! 新版本的Web of Cam支援远端控制, 您可以透过监控端屏幕上的按钮打开远端手机的LED灯, 或是在一万公里远的地方切换镜头, 一切就是这么地方便! 目前Web of Cam Internet版本仅支援Android平台, 其它平台会陆续发布, 敬请期待! --Internet Edition Features:1. Login the same Google account on both Camera and Viewer unit and start remote video monitoring right away. Camera discovery is no longer necessary.2. A viewer unit is able to connect to multiple cameras with the same Google account.3. A camera unit is able to be seen by many viewers with the same Google account.4. Remote flash (LED) light control.5. Remote front/rear camera switch6. Screen rotation7. Video snapshot --Web of Cam Introduction What is video surveillance? Why do we need it? Does it cost a lot of money? "Web of Cam" allows you to monitor the people and things you care about with just one mobile phone, at anytime and from anywhere!Start enjoying a free and easy surveillance system by your mobile phones now! ip camera, ip cam, wifi camera, wifi cam, web cam, web camera, baby monitor, surveillance, pet monitor, spy cam, streaming, video monitor, video broadcasting, nanny camera, dropcam, mydlink, smartcam. ipcam, webcam
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